Political satire, conservative style

Because nothing says political satire like “poking fun” at crippling injuries suffered at the hands of a tire iron-wielding assailant:

“Barrett touted his visionary leadership, solid record of job creation, and enormous mechanized hand as reasons for the downturn in crime, the tenth-straight drop reported by the city since Barrett declared his candidacy for governor.”


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8 thoughts on “Political satire, conservative style

  1. I see that they also infer that Jessica McBride wasn’t young or good-looking.

    For a site that often accuses me of all sorts of sordid things due to Whallah!, their hypocrisy is simply breathtaking.

    1. After following politics for all this time does republican hypocrisy still amaze you? i am immune to it!

  2. Heh….apparently this post was a “smear,” according to one of the folks over at BadgerBlogger.

    By the way, my money’s on “Paul” from BB being our proxy-server pottymouth.

  3. I don’t even waste my time with sites like that, so I don’t even know who this “Paul” character is. What does it say that they even attract people like that?

    1. I suppose I shouldn’t waste my time over there, but in my own defense, I only visit Badger Blogger when I’m really really bored.

  4. You know, I’m still not convinced that our foul-mouth identity thief isn’t gus/mickey. He has the racist attitude, the computer know-how, the foul mouth, and the mental instability. And he was involved with the whole affair involving Foust.

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