13 thoughts on “We’d like to hear from you!

  1. Id like to see us have more people following us on Facebook, but I dont know how to do that…

    1. Just visit the Blogging Blue page on Facebook and start inviting people. You should have the ability to do so.

      1. I know it’s the hot thing & all (at least for people over 30) but c’mon. Facebook sucks for this sort of thing.

        Though I guess, if you’re looking for confirmation of your views and groupthink that’s the right place. It’s just a terrible tool for actual debate and discussion due to no threading and character limits. And that’s ignoring the horrific privacy issues.

        1. I think the point is to use Facebook to widen the audience, not necessarily to promote debate and discussion. That’s what the blog is for; Facebook is just a way of drawing people in.

  2. Zach darling 🙂
    I think you’re doing a great job. If you read The Chief (and I think you do) you may (!) have noticed an obnoxious ass over there by the name of Stewie. C’est moi.
    I mention that because some time ago I (as S2E) had dropped the idea there of having a general chat like his Council Meeting chats.
    I went so far as to set up a mini-social network thingie. User pages, a forum, and a chat-room which can be used by whichever member happen by, dose not have to be “opened” like Chief’s LiveChat thing does. It just sits there.So it’s fully functional, Admins can post theme discussions too, blah blah.
    I’d say Invitation and referral by existing members only, some kind of approval by admins. Otherwise stuff like that turns into a partisan hell with nuthin’ but insults.
    I have done one of these before, as sole Admin. It was not WI-based, an international group ((not specifically political in intent)
    It was freaky-fun, but also very “social”, and kind of emotionally “heavy”. I felt a lot of responsibility for people’ “happiness”, as the sole admin. Like being Scout Leader or something.
    And this was at a VERY demanding time in The Old Personal Life. I was exhausted, and ended up closing the thing down.
    I never did mention the new one I started for The Chief people to anyone. They don’t talk much over there so it didn’t seem very pressing. It’s been sitting there for months doing nothing

    IMO You are very “socially adept” you’re always very calm, good with people. That shit “trickles down”, so it would be a good group influence i think.
    Obviously you can set one of these up yourself. But I have an account and (I think) a CUTE NAME. for the damn thing. and you know, it’s all about a cute name. So – eauDOTsnapATgmail if you might wanna co-admin or something.
    I (we) have our own TOS, have banhammers, all that cool stuff. Or if you are VERY busy I could just open the thing up for all yer people’s use and do the maintenance on my own. I’m less “stressed” now with real life so it wouldn’t be a problem.
    This was sort of a long ramble, sorry (tired) but wanted to mention it asap.
    see ya

  3. and the reason I started it was NOT just to have a sharing session of Liberal Talking Points but in hopes that (as your person above said) reasonably intelligent – and by that I mean emotionally intelligent/decent people NOT re: IQs – could discuss back and forth. With no goal, ulterior motives, etc etc.
    Blogs are not very interactive. Everyone leaves their mark and that’s it. People have lost the ability to gather at the General Store and hash stuff over the checkerboard. Theoretically, the Internet was gonna be a renaissance for all that, but communication here became very Intentional and Proprietary VERY quickly.
    A pity IMO.
    But, as it turns out, the majority of people find non-intentional interaction a waste of time in a busy world. It’s more about getting your message out, NOT sitting down with The Other Guy to see if you can figure out why he feels SO different from you.
    And if not, as long as people are not mean-spirited about their views, it’s surprising how many differences you can have with people and still not actually resort to death and dismemberment.
    My point is, while any type of open discussion is a nice idea, we are not in a climate that values that much these days. Too often the feeling is “Yeah baby! I guess I told HIM!”
    So yeah, I get all that 😛

  4. Damn it. I was gonna ask for softer cushions and more bacon, but after all that I feel so inadequate.

    1. As long as you don’t want Milwaukee State Fair CHOCOLATE covered bacon (Wisconsin’s worst contribution to earthly life) I think I might be able to arrange something.
      However, hard uncomfy chairs keep youze people alert.
      learn to love them

  5. I know you’re South Shore/Cudahy but I’d like more emphasis on the Sullivan/Vukmir race. She is as scary as it gets. No one “in the know”, like you, for instance, is seriously exposing her extremism. Her facebook/campaign site is loaded with picures of her at Tea Parties (none of which were/are in West Allis – always far out of her election district), photos with supporters (none of whom are from West Allis) and no specific issues directed towards the potential benefit of an inner-rim suburb like West Allis. Always someplace else; never in West Allis!

    I do, have to note, that she’s apparently decided to open her campaign office in West Allis. It’s conveniently located in the Peter Agnos strip mall development. Remember Agnos? I don’t know what is uglier, the strip malls or Rep. Vukmir’s inattention to the issues facing West Allis.

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