Do as I say, not as I do…

The list of hypocrisy and lack of understanding any real issue, seemingly shows up every time Ron Johnson speaks. Which is why RoJo has been in hiding.

Even though he has had some DOOZIES, his biggest one might be his stance on health care.

He came out early, calling the Health Insurance reform, \"biggest assault on personal freedom in his lifetime.\" Obviously like the rest of the Republican party, he did not read the Patriot Act either(but that’s for another day). Uppity Wisconsin, recently pointed out, that he joined the Rebecca Kleefisch club of take care of me and screw you.

Health care struck particularly close to home for Johnson based on an experience that happened only a few years after his family moved to Oshkosh in the late 1970s. His daughter, Carey, was born with a congenital heart defect that required a risky surgery to repair. He talks openly about the incident and its impact on him, about how his daughter recovered and now works as a neo-natal intensive care nurse, and how the University of Minnesota surgeon’s bill was only $1,200.

To Johnson, it is evidence that America’s health care system is the best in the world and health reform will impair doctors’ abilities to provide top-notch care.

When he was in trouble he ran to the nearest government funded institution and they, thankfully, took care of his daughter who is now leading a product life as a neo-natal intensive care nurse.

Like Rebecca, RoJo thinks that such incredible care only belongs to the select few. He is saying, please vote for me and I will do my best to make sure that if your daughter has a congenital heart disease, we will “leave you alone” and the free market will fix her.

How truly sad!


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6 thoughts on “Do as I say, not as I do…

  1. What does something that occured in the 1970s have anything to do with the health care bill that just passed? Where has Ron Johnson said we should repeal current practices or the past practices of the 1970s?

    Also, by the way, next time you send Sen. Feingold some questions to answer I would like to know how Ron Johnson has been celebrating his victory already, as Feingold’s current ad claims. Surely as a proud Packer stock shareholder he should know better than to use unauthorized NFL footage. Way off message Russ!

  2. I would say that RoJo is celebrating by hiding from the electorate. You would hink that if someone refused to meet the voters and refused to answer reporters questions that would be the end of his candidacy BUT in the “year of dumb” it seems to be working for him.

    He should of known better than to use the NFL footage, he should know they would not let an unauthorized penny slip through their grasp. Just like most politicians should know not to play songs at rallies that they dont have permission to play. This was discussed at length here a couple weeks ago.

    1. Ha, Feingold uses unauthorized footage and you blame the NFL!!! Wowie! I’m sure why Feingold would want to use a clip of a player pretend-mooning Packers fans anyway. Talk about desperate and off message!

      If Feingold meant hiding when he said celebrating, he should have said HIDING. I don’t know too many people who celebrate birthdays, weddings, or other special occassions by going into hiding, but it was a nice try at defending a candidate who is so scared and desperate that he is so far behind in the polls he will say or try anything.

      I can’t wait to see what lies ahead (pun intended) for the Feingold ads. I guess the nice guy campaign finance act is over. Maybe he can play “No More Mr. Nice Guy” at his next campaign rally (with permission from Alice Cooper of course).

  3. I think its a dumb ad personally. I was just ripping on the greediness of big corporations like the nfl. I think he would of been better suited to keep running the ad showing shuttered factories while using the voiceover lovefest of johnson and nafta.
    This ad is almosy as dumb as the RoJo ad…”You’ve been reading the papers again.”. O the horror….

    1. Ha ha, I have to agree with you on both counts there! I’m not sure why reading the paper is a bad thing. I think his white board ad is a better one, as far as campaign ads go.

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