God Bless Bernie Sanders


Senator Sanders is currently filibustering(yes actually filibustering) the renewal of the bush tax cuts. God Bless Bernie! Check him out at the above link!

“You can call what I am doing today whatever you want, you it call it a filibuster, you can call it a very long speech. I’m not here to set any great records or to make a spectacle. I am simply here today to take as long as I can to explain to the American people the fact that we have got to do a lot better than this agreement provides.”

“tea partiers” take note. Bernie Sanders is doing our Founders proud.


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11 thoughts on “God Bless Bernie Sanders

  1. Bernie you are a hero to the middle class and workers of America. you are describing all the problems with this countries economy. how the American dream is being stolen by the greed of corporations keep up the fight an GOD BLESS YOU

  2. Notalib, Bernie Sanders isn’t “close to”; he is a socialist. He says so himself. He used that label before the Tea Partiers turned it into a meaningless pejorative (meaningless because they apply it to politicians they dislike across the board, regardless of their actual policy positions).

  3. And that is why progressives embrace him just like Bernie most progressives in this country want to see America change to a dependent on government with no personal success or wealth. This is also the very fact that has turned this country more conservative than it has been in the last 40, for too long Americans have watched Democrats try and push America to the failed socialistic lifestyle of Europe. Thank God the sleeping giant of conservatism has been awaken before you people completely destroyed America. Now please move to the back of the bus, let real Americans fix what you have destroyed.

  4. Sure do

    Monday Oct 25 2010 President Obama said, “We don’t mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back.”

  5. 1. Tell me one progressive who “want to see America change to a dependent on government with no personal success or wealth.” Just one….

    2. Tell me one thing democrats have done that “for too long Americans have watched Democrats try and push America to the failed socialistic lifestyle of Europe.”

  6. Would be nice if ALL of Congress, the Administration, and Unions wouldn’t be exempt from these laws. I would guarantee that many laws wouldn’t be on the books. The Congress, Administration, and Unions are going to be the only ones to get richer and richer while those others that work work only to pay these politicians’ salaries. Americans are stuck on stupid.

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