couple questions….

Because I have been out of the loop for a few days and I might have missed some things I have a couple questions… 1. Where is the best place to contribute to help the recall the Wisconsin 8 cause. 2. Since this is such an historic event, I am…

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Proud to call Senator Miller My Senator!

i have not always agreed with Senator Miller and think he has made a couple colossal mistakes, but I am very proud through this whole budget despair bill fiasco to call him my Senator. Senator Millers office delivered the following letter to Governor Walker and Senate Majority Leader Fitzgerald: March…

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A Refresher Course…

Americans for Prosperity , just finished a sparsely attended state bus tour, where they took their grassroots(seriously just ask them) efforts to a couple hundred senior citizens at different locations throughout Wisconsin. With all of the noise and craziness of everything happening politically now, its hard to keep track of…

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Chad Vader reports on the pro-union protests in Madison

This is too funny not to share:

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Scott Walker’s “transparent” government

So much for Gov. Scott Walker’s promise to make his administration a model of transparency. I previously mentioned Gov. Walker’s administration is being sued for failing to respond to several open records requests, and while his administration has now responded to the records requests, they’re clearly attempting to stonewall the…

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How Gov. Walker’s budget bloodbath will affect South Milwaukee schools

The school district of South Milwaukee has released their proposed 2011-2012 budget, and it’s not pretty. Based on Gov. Scott Walker’s proposed cuts to state aid to local school districts, as well as a reduction in the per-student revenue cap, the South Milwaukee School District will lose just over $1.8…

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Guest Blog – Good Luck, Scott Walker

From my email inbox comes this guest blog from Rusty R: Governor, (I’m so upset I can’t even type your name) you have grossly under-valued our state resources. You have sold us out for fractions (as if you know what they are) of a cent on the dollar. The 4+…

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