You can still do your part to help recall the Republican 8!

Yesterday Jeff higlighted the new TV ad being run here in Wisconsin by the Progressive Change Campaign Committee in support of the efforts to recall the “Republican 8,” the 8 Republican State Senators who voted to support Gov. Scott Walker’s attack on public employee unions and who are legally eligible to be recalled from office.

Goal ThermometerAs I’ve mentioned a bunch of times since efforts to recall the “Republican 8” began, those efforts need boots on the ground to gather signatures, but they also need financial support to counter what’s sure to be an avalanche of money spent by Republicans desperate to maintain their majority in the Wisconsin State Senate.

I had set an original goal to raise $500 in support of the efforts to recall the Republican 8, but you all blew past that goal, and you also blew past my updated goal to raise $1,000. The efforts to recall the Republican 8 are in full swing, and they still need your support, because there’s no doubt Republicans will fight tooth and nail to preserve their majority in the State Senate, including spending whatever it takes to hold onto the seats they currently hold.

There’s no denying that recalling the Republican 8 will be a daunting task, but that’s where you come in: in order to keep efforts to recall the Republican 8 moving in the right direction, those efforts need not only volunteers, but also funding, and so I’m asking you to make a donation to help those efforts. Thus far you all have donated $1,301 to the efforts to recall the Republican 8, but I’d like to raise $2,000 to help efforts to recall the Republican 8. Please consider making a donation so that we can recall at least three of the Republican 8 and turn the Wisconsin State Senate blue once again.

My contribution: $


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4 thoughts on “You can still do your part to help recall the Republican 8!

  1. Why do people want to support thugs? look at what the braindead cowards of AFCSME are doing to businesses. One more reason why I want to see these clowns lose benefits and now I will dance whenever I hear of nay of them losing their jobs, they are thugs, brainless and purely animals.

    Members of Wisconsin State Employees Union, AFSCME Council 24, have begun circulating letters to businesses in southeast Wisconsin, asking them to support workers’ rights by putting up a sign in their windows.

    If businesses fail to comply, the letter says, “Failure to do so will leave us no choice but (to) do a public boycott of your business. And sorry, neutral means ‘no’ to those who work for the largest employer in the area and are union members.”

    Jim Parrett, a field representative of Council 24 for Southeast Wisconsin, confirmed the contents of the letter, which carries his signature. But he added that the union was also circulating letters to businesses thanking them for supporting workers’ rights.

  2. I have no issue with the unions asking businesses to support workers rights…I have no problem with them thanking businesses that do…but I don’t cotton to threatening reprisals if they don’t.

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