Chris Matthews absolutely destroys Reince Priebus (VIDEO)

Though I’m not a huge fan of Chris Matthews, I have to admit he did an absolutely masterful job of destroying RNC Chair Reince Priebus this past Monday. Watch for yourselves.

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8 thoughts on “Chris Matthews absolutely destroys Reince Priebus (VIDEO)

  1. I saw this. Chris was great. It is way past time the GOP is called out on this stuff. Just like they played the race card when Biden talked about Wall Street keeping us in chains. Too many reporters have given a pass to this type of low life spin. Enough already!

  2. That’s the pot calling the kettle black. Oh, there I go playing the race card myself.
    Both sides do this whenever it serve there purpose. Biden’s “chains” comment was to a largely black audience with slavery implications. And now because I called him out, “I” am playing the race card. It’s silly season. Problem is, some folks actually believe this garbage.

  3. The chains comment had nothing to do with race. The audience was black and white. It was about Wall Street and regulations. I am sick of this party taking statements out of context. And I am sick of the media not calling them on it. Look at the ” Build It” comment. The stupid GOP based their whole convention on that lie. They think they can cut and splice their way to winning an election.

  4. It’s about time SOMEBODY from the major stations called out a Republican on the bald faced, calumnious lies the Republicans have been shouting out across the airways. It’s not fun and games anymore. This country and the world have been in some deep shit for over a decade now and our options are not looking good.

  5. Yeah but you notice that Chris called out Republicans and everyone else on the stage got uncomfortable and upset. Every single person either rushed to the defense of Republican deception or implicated the Democrats as doing the exact same thing, which in terms of scale and impact is patently untrue. We have a long way to go

  6. Priebus got his ass kicked. Thoroughly. And everyone in the room knew it, including Priebus. That’s the sweetest piece of video I’ve seen in quite some time.

  7. Reince ain’t in Kenosha anymore, and he doesn’t have Journal Communications covering up all of his race-baiting BS either. Welcome to the big-time kid. You don’t seem to be that ready for it.

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