Lena Taylor & Scott Walker have a lot in common

Apparently Democratic State Sen. Lena Taylor and Republican Gov. Scott Walker have more in common than their mutual love of concealed carry and the Castle Doctrine; they’re both involved with the American Federation for Children, a right-wing school choice group that counts among its lobbyists disgraced former Republican Assembly Speaker Scott Jensen.

I can’t wait to see what else Lena Taylor and Scott Walker have in common, because it seems like there’s something new each day!


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10 thoughts on “Lena Taylor & Scott Walker have a lot in common

  1. The charter school movement has little to recommend it. What it DOES have is opportunities for entrepreneurial educators to make money.
    I understand that black Americans want to have more input and control over the education of black children. I also understand that most charter schools that are privately run put financial performance and employee gains ahead of students’ measures.
    So, I do not care what color the people who run or attend the charter school are, I am opposed to them.
    The teaching profession has a duty to resist the privatization of one of the most fundamental pillars of democracy, free public education.
    As for guns, well, Abu Mumia Jamal wants the right to own any gun he chooses as much as Ted Nugent does, no exaggeration. So I understand that persons of color might be just as adamant about freedom of gun ownership as any right-wing white supremacist, or survivalist. Fighting these racist forces is best done without firearms, however. No matter one’s color, a gun you own is STILL more likely to kill YOU than anyone TRYING to kill you. And, the Democratic Party must always continue to try and understand its pols, and persuade them towards progressive points of view. If they persist in holding views that do not fit their core constituency, they will not last in office, especially if the Word is Out.

  2. So you are a racist that prefers African Americans attend dysfunctional schools cuz per union contract — teachers in MPS don’t have to teach African American children, especially boys, to read.

    YOu just lost all credibility with me — must be a jason fields man and you are upset that Taylor dares talk about the need for those familiar with African American’s experience in America have a role at the table.

    Maybe you are one of the teachers that don’t teach African Americans to read.

    Or maybe you are a prison guard that thinks building more prisons to lock up African Americans (WI has highest racist incarceration rate in nation) is “pro-union” and an important economic development issue.

    In any case — you are a sick little monkey that, evidently, is foolish enough to think it is progressive to slam one of the only African American women to ever sit in that branch.

    Shame on you.

    1. I don’t think Lena Taylor is much of a progressive; that’s my issue.

      Y’know, if you’re going to attack me, the least you could do is stop hiding behind anonymity and own your words. Don’t be a coward.

      While the rest of your rant is hardly worth responding to, I did want to note that Wisconsin is sorely in need of reforms of its correctional system, so long as those reforms aren’t ham-handed and lost sight of the fact that there are some criminals that truly do need to be punished. However, that’s a much larger discussion that I’d love to have….when you’re ready to stop hiding.

  3. Are you saying that to be a progressive, one must oppose the Constitution (“shall not be infringed”)?

    Which means that no one who ever took the oath can be progressive.

    Well, unless the lie is part of being progressive.

    Is that what you’re saying?

    1. The United States Supreme Court has already ruled that the right to bear arms is not absolute.

      After all, if we applied the logic of many conservatives, then convicted felons should be able to bear arms, since the Constitution didn’t really address that, and we wouldn’t want to infringe on their right to bear arms.

  4. Apparently being a progressive means that east siders, northshore, and bay viewiers can tell African American parents that they cannot have the same opportunity for their kids that they do.

  5. No, John. It means that we in the city, who have been paying for two school systems — one secular, one primarily religious — know the result of the exorbitant expense of doing so, which is exactly the intent of the Bradley Foundation and Ayers Foundation and Archdiocese of Milwaukee in originally promoting this:

    The devastation of MPS.

    Racine, and soon the rest of you in the state, can look forward to seeing what this does to your schools and your taxes. But nah, don’t listen to us who have decades of experience now with this. Claim that it is because we don’t care about African American kids . . . but first, tell us why 90 percent of them live in our city and not yours.

    Uh huh.

    1. Well said.

      As someone who grew up somewhat poor in Milwaukee and attended public school within MPS, I know all too well how vitally important a quality education can be in helping pull people out of poverty, but my problem with the “school choice” movement is that it’s a drain on the public school system, and in many cases the schools involved in the school choice/voucher/charter school programs aren’t consistently producing the kinds of improved outcomes their advocates tout.

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