Registered Republican arrested for vote fraud in Nevada

You want vote fraud?

I got your vote fraud right here!

Roxanne Rubin, a registered Republican from Henderson, Nev., was arrested Friday on a felony charge of attempting to vote twice in the same election.

FBI agents took Rubin into custody as she arrived for work at the Riviera hotel-casino, according to the Associated Press. Rubin had roused suspicion on Oct. 29, after casting a vote at her precinct in Henderson, and then allegedly attempting to vote at a different polling site in Las Vegas later that day. Election workers at the second location ran her name through a database, which showed that she had already voted. When confronted by officials, Rubin reportedly claimed that their database was incorrect, and that she had not yet voted. She was ultimately prevented from casting the second vote.

A complaint was subsequently filed with Nevada’s Elections Integrity Task Force, which carried out the investigation.


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6 thoughts on “Registered Republican arrested for vote fraud in Nevada

    1. Seriously, you’re using an O’Keefe video as a counter argument?

      Tommy, the Republicans are perfect. They would NEVER, EVER do the same thing as those despicable democrats. They would NEVER, EVER commit voter fraud. Not in Virginia, nope. They wouldn’t toss voter registration forms in the trash. Not in Virginia would they set up fraudulent call centers to call voters and “take” their votes over the phone. Not in Arizona would they send fliers to voters telling them their polling place is 10 miles from the actual location. Nor in South Carolina, where the same thing is happening.

      Nah, Republicans would NEVER do that. They’re perfect. They follow all the laws. Not like those scurrilous Demoncrats.

  1. Great examples of why we need voter id to protect the election process regardless of party affiliation. It obviously happens with both parties so let’s institute voter id nationwide and start protecting every single vote.

    1. That’s alright BChris, as long as you agree that it would be incumbent on the government to ensure, by all means necessary, that all eligible voters are issued these “IDs” at no cost to the voter, directly or indirectly. Issuing agencies must be located within easy reach of all voters and lead times must be small.

      We must make exercising the franchise easier, not harder. The Constitution says so.

      1. Rich, I don’t disagree with anything you said. Issuing agencies “within easy reach” is somewhat subjective but I do agree that someone from a rural area shouldn’t have to travel 100 miles for their ID. That’s the only drawback as far as I can see. Maybe someone can provide some insight into whether or not most county facilities have the equipment necessary to take a photo and issue an ID onsite or send the information to a state agency that can mail the ID to the voter. Living in a metro area, it’s pretty easy to get a driver’s license but I’m not familiar with the process for rural residents. It seems logical to me that the process for getting a voter ID could piggyback off the process for getting a driver’s license (without any fees, of course).

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