Cudahy Alderman Randy Hollenbeck does a little Facebook “roleplay”

Earlier today, Cudahy Alderman Randy Hollenbeck took to Facebook to post a comment on this thread in the Cudahy Town Hall Facebook community. In his comment (which he appears to have deleted immediately after posting), Hollenbeck posted as if he were a teenager, not a grown adult.

See for yourselves.

Randy Hollenbeck is a kid?

I’m not sure how Ald. Hollenbeck will explain the posting (though I’m betting he hopes no one saw it), but either Randy Hollenbeck engaged in some of the weirdest – not to mention most awkward – internet “rolepley” ever or he got caught sockpuppeting. I’m inclined to believe that Randy meant to post the comment under a different Facebook profile, but that’s just the cynic in me, because I wouldn’t put anything past someone who’s been caught lying before.


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6 thoughts on “Cudahy Alderman Randy Hollenbeck does a little Facebook “roleplay”

  1. Wonder what local, state, and federal laws say about any adult who pretends to be a minor on-line.

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