City of Cudahy passes new language banning discrimination based on gender identity/expression

At Tuesday’s Common Council meeting, the Cudahy Common Council voted unanimously to approve new language to Cudahy’s existing Fair Housing and Human Rights ordinance. The new language would prohibit discrimination based on “gender identity or expression” as well as sexual orientation. As the press release below notes, Cudahy becomes the fourth community in Wisconsin to have such an ordinance, and they were the first community to pass such language unanimously.

Here’s the press release:

Press Release issued pertaining to new language in Cudahy's non-discrimination ordinance

Obviously this is great news for Cudahy, but I will admit I’m surprised the changes passed unanimously, given the presence of at least one “ultra-conservative” on the Common Council. After all, many conservatives have fought tooth and nail against non-discrimination ordinances/laws, so color me surprised (not to mention pleased) that “ultra-conservative” Randy Hollenbeck took such a progressive stand in favor of an issue many conservatives have stood against.


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