Barry Goldwater On The Separation of Church and State

One of our regular readers and I were sharing some memories of previous presidential campaigns. I mentioned that my favorite bumper sticker of all time was simply AU H20. Several days later he sent me this image of Senator Goldwater and a timely quote on the relationship of church and state. ENJOY:



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6 thoughts on “Barry Goldwater On The Separation of Church and State

  1. Nor does religion have any place in taxpayer-funded education nor healthcare policy. How very differently conservatives think today from Goldwater.

  2. Is this Goldwater guy related to Peggy Goldwater, one of the founders of Planned Parenthood of Arizona? Just curious and cynical!

    1. His wife. See the thing is that the Republican Party and the Christian Right didn’t get together until Reagan. Goldwater would be horrified by today’s Republican Party – not least because he would see corporate welfare, the deep security state, and the war on drugs as big, expensive government instead of the small government he believed in.

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