Common Ground activists call Bucks owner Wesley Edens a “slumlord”

On Thursday leaders of the community organization Common Ground called Milwaukee Bucks’ co-owner Wes Edens a slumlord while demonstrating in front of a foreclosed and distressed house owned by a company under Edens’ control.

Edens’ Fortress Investment Group owns a majority stake in Nationstar Mortgage, a mortgage services company. Edens is chairman of the company.

Common Ground members said Thursday that Nationstar Mortgage is responsible for an estimated 300 properties in the Milwaukee area. O’Hear said Common Ground members surveyed all of the properties.

“Many of them are like this or worse,” she said, motioning toward the home behind her. “This is unacceptable.”

Several dozen Common Ground supporters held signs saying, “Wes couldn’t care less,” or “This property is owned by Bucks owner Wes Edens.”

While I certainly laud the folks from Common Ground for taking action to draw attention to the sheer lunacy of the state of Wisconsin giving hundreds of millions of dollars to help a billionaire build a shiny new basketball palace, they’re dreaming if they think Edens or Bucks co-owner Marc Lasry would deign to meet with anyone who isn’t willing to give them hundreds of millions of dollars in handouts.


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