Former Republican mayor of Cedarburg faces felony charges

According to this report, former Cedarburg Mayor Keith Kaiman is facing felony charges after he allegedly endorsed four affidavits in an attempt to get his daughter out of a drinking ticket.

Keith Kaiman is facing two felony counts of misconduct for trying to get his daughter out of a citation for underage drinking.

According to the criminal complaint, it all started on June 24th, 2013, when Kaiman’s daughter Kendra, who’s now in college, was busted for underage drinking at a house on Maple Road.

Kaiman, who’s also a notary public, is accused of endorsing four affidavits from witnesses who said his daughter did not drink, but witnesses later told police the statements were false and that they were trying to help a friend.

According to the website of the Republican Party of Ozaukee County, Keith Kaiman is that group’s 2nd Vice Chair.

Because if you’re a Republican “family values” apparently means committing felonies to help your child avoid taking responsibility for having broken the law.


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4 thoughts on “Former Republican mayor of Cedarburg faces felony charges

  1. 21 year old drinking age is a joke.

    Your final statement is pure propaganda. But what else is this site about?

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