7 thoughts on “Here’s your post-SOTU open thread

  1. I give President Obama a score of “8” on content and delivery, VP Biden a top score of “10” on his enthusiasm, and Speaker Paul Ryan a “1” or a failing grade for his fidgeting and lack of applause during important parts of Obama’s presentation.

    It seemed to me Ryan’ had a bad case of hemorrhoids, severe gastric pain, or both on those occasions warranting applause. Either that or Ryan was deliberately distracting and disrespectful expressing his lack of manners and respect for the office of the President.

    Ryan was the worst representative that Wisconsin could have had on such an important and historical presentation by the President of the United States.

  2. Maybe BHO should have issued an Executive Order ahead of the speech, requiring Ryan to applaud when commanded.

    Best part: The last one he’ll ever deliver in front of Congress.

    I finally now realize how the Left felt about G.W. Bush. Just BHO’s voice makes me almost physically ill.

    1. WCR,
      When all you have to attack is the sound of his voice it would seem that he’s succeeded! I would ask you to name all of his legitimate failures (not rhetorical fantasy) and I guarantee I can prove his successes far outnumber. Then let’s put G.W. Bush to the same litmus test. I agree with Duane… Ryan looked like he had Bidens thumb up his hind end. With Ryan’s performance it’s a good thing he brought the two nuns. A little forgiveness is in order.

  3. Elsewhere in the social media, Ryan’s expressions are referred to as a “poker face” and while I agree with that observation, it was just one of several including a “pained” face.


    Perhaps we can conclude that Ryan was “two-faced” akin to the disturbed or cowardly juvenile in a classroom who makes “faces” as the teacher’s back is turned posting class assignments on the blackboard.

    Too horrible to contemplate is that a disrespectful juvenile, Ryan, as House Speaker is third in line to become President should a tragedy occur.

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