Donald Trump ups his attacks against sitting federal judge

Though he’s been attacking U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel for months, presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has intensified his attacks this week.

Donald Trump is intensifying his attacks on the federal judge presiding over fraud lawsuits against Trump University. On Friday the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, dismissing criticism from legal experts on the right and left, pressed his case against U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel, saying the Indiana-born judge is biased against him because “he’s a Mexican. We’re building a wall between here and Mexico.”

Trump made the remarks, and others like it, repeatedly, in interviews with CNN and The Wall Street Journal, referring to Judge Curiel variously as “of Mexican heritage” or just “Mexican.” But the message was always the same, that the judge had what Trump called “a conflict” because of his ethnicity.

Conservative pundit Erick Erickson didn’t mince words, making it clear he believes Trump’s attacks on Gonzalo Curiel are “racism plain and simple.”

These were not racially tinged or racially charged attacks.

This was racism plain and simple.

The partisan press has long muddied what is and is not racist in this country and now confronted by actual racism cannot bring itself to use the word lest it be judging Trump.

The attacks are racist. To claim that someone is unable to objectively and professional perform his job because of his race is racism.

And damn the GOP for its unwillingness to speak up on this. The leaders of the party, confronted by Todd Akin, abandoned ship for his stupid statements on rape and abortion. But the Party of Lincoln intends to circle the wagons around a racist. Damn them for that.

It seems pretty clear to me the Republican Party’s short term strategy of supporting racism from their standard bearer in a desperate attempt to win the White House in the fall will have seriously negative long term repercussions.


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1 thought on “Donald Trump ups his attacks against sitting federal judge

  1. I can understand why some would call it not racism. He’s not saying Judge Curiel is a poor judge because of his ethnic background; he’s accusing him of bias due to his ethnic background.

    No matter what way you spin it though, it’s ugly. It’s accusing Judge Curiel of bias simply because his heritage. Note I say I can understand why some would call it not racism. I think Donald Trump has made it quite clear he is either a bigot or is appealing to bigots to win votes.

    It reminds me of what some relatives of mine say: “I’m not a racist, I’m a realist! Of course there are exceptions!” It is a delusion of fairness and realism when in fact embracing an ideology of collective judgement. It may not be the same type of racism genocidal maniacs hold, but it’s still racism.

    It is quite interesting how no one does a better job of getting me to vote against Republicans than conservatives I know. And the fact of the matter is most conservatives may not be racist, but I can safely say most outspoken ones I know in my family most definitely are.

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