Whither Blogging Blue: 2 Years as Publisher!

I should have reminisced about my first two years as publisher last Friday, February 1, 2019…since that was the day that Zach handed me the keys to the joint …but I let it slide.

It’s been a fun ride so far. But there are a couple of things that I’ve noticed. Individual political blogs are passe’. I imagine most of you have noticed that too. It’s far easier to just blurt out whatever you want on Facebook or Instagram or Twitter. Just a couple of sentences or short paragraph and reach a wider audience in no time and before the end of the day…if it didn’t go ‘viral’ it disappears from the flow. And it’s free to do.

So it’s at the point where it is impossible to recruit new contributors. I know, I’ve tried. Some people who are very vocal on social media…this seems like a lot more work and responsibility. Despite the fact there is no task assignments or story suggestions or editing or whatever here at Blogging Blue. And it’s free…well to other contributors. The publisher pays the bills!

So essentially Blogging Blue is just me. I don’t mind so much. But I’ve watched the daily page count decline. You’ve all seen the comments sections decline. The open threads haven’t drawn any interest in longer than my two years at the helm. Shrug.

I’ve also trimmed the blog roll twice removing about 20% of our original total. Why? Well when clicking on the link I found more than a few no longer out there or without new posts in better than a year. So the malaise is more general to the genre and not specific to this site.

But I retired from gainful employment last year. I haven’t quite settled into a rhythm yet but want to get a regular flow going with time set aside for good old Blogging Blue on a consistent basis. I moved the site to a new support vendor and paid out a year’s fees in advance. So I am good to go that far!!!

So thanks to all of our regular readers for putting up with me as writer, editor and publisher for another year. And we’ll see how the world goes for 2019!


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3 thoughts on “Whither Blogging Blue: 2 Years as Publisher!

  1. Ed, I know I’ve said this to you privately but I want you to know I appreciate the work you’ve put into keeping Blogging Blue going. You’ve done yeoman’s work here, and I truly do appreciate it!

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