Fake outrage

This week Sly in the morning was mocking Rebecca Kleefisch and a story that was on the news. The original story was about Rebecca Kleefisch cold calling(yes seriously) businesses in Illinois asking them to re-locate to WI. While deservedly mocking her and the reporter for not asking any questions(like aren’t…

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Robin Vos can take his outrage and shove it where the sun don’t shine!

Earlier today, Republican State Rep. Robin Vos issued a press release announcing he’ll be submitting an amendment to the state constitution that would make it more difficult for recall elections to be triggered. In Vos’ press release, he outlined his concerns about the amount of taxpayer dollars wasted on “unnecessary…

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The Dignity of Ann Romney

I posted the other day, how the Rosen/Romney debate was a classic example of republican fake outrage. It turns out Mitt Romney agrees and really does not respect the work that Ann Romney did. H/T Huffington Post. A story like this makes me pity Mitt Romney and his whole family….

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Mom Romney

The latest case of Fake outrage on the right(and there are many) comes from some obscure political pundit named Hilary Rosen who (probably) correctly said Ann Romney “has never worked a day in her life”. yes that sound was the collective grumble of the right appalled that anyone would say…

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Fantasy Island

It appears that even though Ricardo Montalban and Herve Villechaiz are no longer with us, it appears there is a new fantasy island located somewhere on Jackson Road in Whitewater, WI. Recently some protestors in Madison, dumped beer all over well known Hingst Robin Vos. This sparked massive fake outrage…

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By Special Request

Fred at censored debate made a special request of us today. By the way where is your report about Jimmy Hoffa Jr and his civility on Labor Day? We try and be accommodating here so here it is. H/T Politicsusa who covered this in depth. Oh, that’s right, y’all don’t…

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Have You Forgotten…..

Matt Gorniak a firefighter who opted to just use the union for \"fair share\", decided enter a “9/11 tribute” float in the Racine Independence Day Parade. Nothing honors them more than a float in a parade, but the Firefighters Union decided not to put any resources into this float. Firefighters…

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David Prosser’s Recusal

Now that the right wing echo chamber has put enough pressure on Sheriff Dave Mahoney that he has handed off the \"Prosser Choking\" investigation to his chief deputy. While Sheriff Mahoney probably would not have done the investigation himself anyway, the aggressiveness and fake outrage from the right was out…

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Inside Baseball

I have always been curious how different things work on the inside. Many times when politicians, talk show hosts, etc… start talking about the inner workings of what they do, they usually stop and say thats “inside baseball” and no one is interested. As one who was always interested and…

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Common – part 2

We touched on the \"Common Controversy\" yesterday, and called it silly. After re-thinking it a little bit, I think the White House sends a message as to who they invite to visit them and who they associate themselves with. The Bush administration would NEVER do something like that: O wait!…

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