The land that time forgot – day in court!

h/t Lukas @ Forward Lookout. In a follow up to my previous post about the West Bend School District, the courts have weighed in. A federal judge decided that the West Bend School Board must recognize the Gay-Straight Alliance as an official school-sponsored club at the district’s high schools. The…

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The Land that Time Forgot – follow up.

I wrote recently about the West Bend School district, and their denying of rights to the Gay Straight Alliance. Under threat of lawsuit, they still voted against recognizing them as a club. Recently, the School Board received a legal opinion stating that they would lose a lawsuit. This prompted a…

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The Land That Time Forgot…

I have many things to be thankful for in my life and one of them is that I do NOT live in West Bend or have my kids in the West Bend School District. Not only are they \"represented\" by slightly batty Glenn Grothman, but they also have to deal…

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I believe it is peace in our time!

The above quote is from British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain on September 30, 1938 after co-signing the Munich Agreement allowing Nazi annexation of the Czechoslovakian area known as the Sudetenland. We know how well that went. But in case you have forgotten: And just to keep it real, this past…

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That Day in Lattimer

By Steve Carlson and Lynn Sutherland Jaskowiak One of the bloodiest days in American labor history occurred on the outskirts of Lattimer, Pennsylvania, on Friday, September 10th, 1897. Roughly 400 anthracite coal miners ( the vast majority of them foreign born eastern Europeans) had had enough of the darkened servitude…

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Do You Suppose Releasing The Pussy Grabbing Video Was Intentional By The Trump Campaign?

Considering all of the odds and ends floating around the witch hunt, why not indulge ourselves in a little conspiracy theory. I mean considering the convolutions around and from the campaign in 2016 and in developing their campaign for 2020 and the on going alternate facts leaving the White House…

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The Real Face of a Syrian Refugee:

This is a rather long article from the New York Times Magazine from earlier in November. It tells the story of one particular Syrian refugee and her family as they try to survive in a refugee camp in Lebanon. It is worth the read particularly as the conversation from our…

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WEAC: The Problem with Merit Pay

From the email box: The Problem with Merit Pay In the brave new world of Act 10, many school districts are contemplating “merit pay” or “pay for performance” systems. The following is a WEAC Research Brief summarizing the evidence on merit pay programs for educators. The actual evidence shows: Merit…

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The Plight of Women in 2012 America

Much has been waged on the war on women recently and I wanted to highlight some more of it and try and bring it full circle. The first story, and as a father of a daughter is the hardest to read, comes from comes from the great NY Time Columnist…

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The Keystone XL Kops

There is an existing pipeline from the Canadian oil sands into the United States…lets call it the Keystone L Pipeline for fun. It essentially runs a few hundred miles east from the Athabasca Oil Sands in eastern Alberta Canada before heading south into the United States. The Keystone L Pipeline…

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