Sex, Civil Service, GOP, and Walker Lies

For those of you scoring at home, Wisconsin’s Civil Service laws need to be repealed because employees can’t be fired even when they do egregious things like maintain a sexual relationship on state time in state facilities. Well, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has had a number of stories about this…

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Civil Service and the Uncivil Changes Proposed in Madison

I would just like to make a few comments about the proposals that will result in nullifying 100 plus years of civil service in Wisconsin. One of points in the new legislation will replace the exams currently given job applicants with scoring their resumes. And why would they want to…

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Walker administration moves to change civil service laws

Back in 2011, Gov. Scott Walker made it clear that while he wanted to cripple public employee unions through the passage of Act 10, public employees would still have some of the strongest civil service protections in the country. At the time Gov. Walker unambiguously stated civil service laws would…

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Those wealthy state employees!

Best way to guarantee a financially stress-free retirement in Wisconsin? “Work for the government,” writes Kathleen Gallagher of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Gallagher goes on to note state public employees, such as public school teachers and state and city workers, receive hundreds of dollars per month more (on average) in…

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