Now Your Mad??

I found this on facebook and wanted to share: After The 8 Years Of The Bush/Cheney Disaster, Now You Get Mad? You didn’t get mad when the Supreme Court stopped a legal recount and appointed a President. You didn’t get mad when Cheney allowed Energy company officials to dictate Energy…

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The Best 9 Minutes on Television

At least since Super Bowl XX! Seriously though, this 9 minute clip is for those who think that President Obama has done nothing for the American middle class. This 9 minute clip is for those who think that there is no difference between the two parties or think how bad…

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Run Away!!!!

Republicans in Iowa run as fast as they can from history because history is not kind to the Republican Party.

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Karl Rove Cries Like a Baby!

Karl Rove, the man known as \"Bushs Brain\"(talk about a terrible legacy), and the same Karl Rove who committed treason by outting CIA agent Valerie Plame was \"Mic Checked\" recently. Rove, one of the people behind the \"free speech zones\" set up wherever George W Bush went, was very upset…

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Thom Hartmann Breaks Down 40 Years of Republican Treason

And does a very thorough job of it. Now at least we have Herman Cain!

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When Economic Forecasts Go Horribly, Horribly Wrong

In 2008 when President Obama assembled his economic team to help deal with the growing financial crisis, even their worst nightmare scenario woefully underestimated the depth of the economic collapse.  Their failure is now our failure.

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I think I have been lax in posting about whats happening in the US right now in terms of the occupy everything movement. While I have been watching it somewhat I have not been paying full attention to it. Tonight, a couple things caught my eye and made me focus…

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I predict…

That as we speak, throughout the right wing echo chamber, Hank Williams Jr. is being put on a pedestal! He will now have an open invite to join Hannity any time he wants. This is the guy who brought us such brilliant songs as this: Full disclosure though, I am…

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Has Chris Christie Gotten the Gift of Arrogance?

Chris Christie still will have less experience at governing than Obama had when he ran for President, a whine conservatives often threw at President Obama, but New Jersey Governor just might go ahead and enter the GOP primaries if he can shed his own notion that he isn’t arrogant enough to run…

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Ummm what is he talking about?

Today Republican master messenger and Scott Walker\'s adviser, Frank Luntz was on Faux News today. The person who the republicans rely on to set the message, left everyone saying HUH? “I don’t think this date is a positive,” Luntz said. “Yes, it allows us to look back and say ‘We…

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