Subtle and Bizarre Proof of Income Equality: i.e. Healthcare?

This just feels wrong to me…and in some ways frivolous. We can’t provide comprehensive universal healthcare to all of America. We can’t home the homeless. But those with thicker wallets can buy intravenous ‘cocktails’ at local ‘hydration stations’? Of course this is being touted as a result of our increased…

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And The Wisconsin GOP Couldn’t Keep The One Promise That Everyone Agreed With:

Some how they made Governor Walker’s campaign pledge to protect pre-existing conditions so unpalatable to members of both sides of the aisle…that it didn’t pass this morning. Considering it is the one item that both sides agree should be done…and whose respective constituents pretty much all agree that they want…they…

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Just How Far Afield Health Costs In Wisconsin Have Gotten in 50 Years

Here’s an article from the Green Sheet in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel this morning. It recounts the first heart transplant in Milwaukee, way back in 1968. The procedure, completed by 9:30 p.m. the same day, was the first heart transplant in Wisconsin, and just the 58th worldwide. The operation, The…

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Ivanka Trump Supports American Jobs?

Oh wait….what? Apparently the demise of her own fashion line was incredibly timely…just sayin: From yesterday’s White House email: Back in the day this would have been incredibly hypocritical…having a business that imported all of its products from overseas…while touting employing Americans. And just because she shut down her business…

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Another Reason We Need Universal Health Care For ALL

Got my Medicare supplemental book in the mail on Monday…three hundred and seventeen pages in the main book. When President Trump said ‘who knew health care was so complicated?’, he actually got something right that one time. WTF? This really shouldn’t be this hard…and everyone should have healthcare…as a right…from…

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Another Desperate Call For Single Payer Health Care

This time it comes from a Milwaukee Journal Sentinel article on the dire straits that family dairy farms continue to suffer here in Wisconsin. I don’t have an answer for that issue and I wish I had. But one thing they shouldn’t have added to their issues…is pulling one of…

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Conclusion Drawn From The Cassidy-Graham Bill

There are some things that only the federal government can handle effectively…national defense, interstate commerce, a monetary system, and I’d like to add to that health care. One of the key points of the Cassidy-Graham Healthcare Bill was taking the subsidies and supports currently part of the Affordable Care Act…

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Why the Shooting of Steve Scalise Says We Need Stricter Gun Control

The tragic mass shooting of Republican members of Congress does indicate the need for stricter control of guns, particularly guns like those so typically used in these attacks. Several pundits and a GOP candidate for office have trotted out the tenet that more armed citizenry would prevent events like his….

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Another Reason We Need Single Payer Health Insurance in the US

The Bay View Compass is the local monthly print newspaper in the Bay View neighborhood. And the June addition has a very notable feature on well know Bay View fixture, Hans Billerbeck. Mr. Billerbeck ran a high quality personal service tailor shop in Bay View for like ever…always great service…

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Why Single Payer Health Insurance: Coalminers!

There are a myriad reasons why we should have single payer health insurance in the United States. And here is another one. For one reason or another, the federal government is providing health coverage for retired and injured coalminers. And that coverage keeps getting tossed around in every budget and…

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