Scott Walker targets cancer, MS screenings for women

Yeah, Republican Gov. Scott Walker is a classy guy…putting politics ahead of womens’ health. Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has set his sights on ending the availability of cervical and breast cancer screening —along with multiple sclerosis detection— for Wisconsin women who have insufficient health insurance to pay for these critical…

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A few links showing their love and respect for women: 1. Joel Kleefisch introduced a bill to make pre-nuptials ironclad: State Rep. Joel Kleefisch doesn’t like divorce, and he doesn’t like prenuptial agreements. But he’s proposing a bill that would make such agreements ironclad, even if they are entered into…

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Jon Kyl is the face of the Republican party

This is a story that is as incredibly frustrating and disgusting as it is funny. The republican war on women is increasing and the latest battle is their attempts to defund Planned Parenthood. We posted the link earlier of Colbert making fun of Fox and Friends(they were so ridiculous he…

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Remember when Planned Parenthood & NPR crashed the market?

One of the top ten tweets I’ve seen this year:

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Scott Walker & Mark Neumann: the extremist singers

It’s no secret Republican gubernatorial candidates Scott Walker and Mark Neumann have been racing each other to the right on the issue of abortion. Despite being for smaller government that’s less involved in the lives of citizens, Walker and Neumann both support interjecting government between women and their doctors, and…

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