Nan Hegerty – Absentee Chief?

So the folks over at Channel 4 did a little digging into how former Milwaukee Police Chief Nanette Hegerty spent her last months as Milwaukee’s Police Chief, and here’s what they found:

Over the past summer – the months from June to September – Hegerty took more days off than she worked -by far. Here’s what TMJ4 found out:

June: 9 days
July: 15 days
August: 9 days
September: 8 days

Of all the days Hegerty took off, not all were vacation or sick days; in more than a few instances she was off traveling to conferences and whatnot. Even though I’m not a resident of the City of Milwaukee, this story bothers me, simply because the summer, which is obviously the busiest time of the year for the police, is not the time to be taking more days off than you work. As the city’s “top cop,” Nanette Hegerty should have known better.


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