5 thoughts on “I’ve Often Wondered…

  1. Because they hate dissent.

    That’s the answer you’re seeking, yes?

    Ever tried to post a dissenting question at DemocraticUnderground? I was banned after 3 posts simply for asking the authors if they thought their ideas through.

  2. Aslaksen, I’m not saying the same thing doesn’t happen on liberal-leaning sites as well, but it seems to me that moderating comments is far more prevalent on Wisconsin’s conservative blogs than it is on liberal blogs.

    Perhaps I’m wrong, and it wouldn’t be the first time, but it’s just an observation.

  3. I’m not a conservative but I turned the moderation on for a couple of reasons.

    One, I want to read the comments, and receiving them all on a separate Blogger page facilitates that. I don’t want to read them so I can censor them, I just want to be sure I don’t miss reading any. I don’t get a lot of comments, but I get good ones.

    Two, I often get these gigantic spam messages generated by bots. I reject those. Yesterday, for example, I got this crazy religious spam message that must have been about three thousand words long. I dislike clutter.

    Other than that I’ve only rejected a couple of comments, both of which were anonymous creeps posting personal info. Oh and I rejected one by mistake, from a friend of mine making a little joke. I felt bad about that.

    I suspect that having moderation turned on discourages some people from leaving a comment. I know it’s discouraged me from leaving comments at a couple of other blogs, because you want to see it appear immediately.

  4. Uh, I just posted a comment on this blog and it says it’s awaiting moderation. How ironic.

    I’d guess it is mostly for spam.

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