16 thoughts on “Rush Limbaugh doesn’t count as a troubled asset

  1. “Right wing selective outrage…”?? What is there to be outraged over? President Obama was very funny and Wanda…well…she was something. I like Wanda but she wasn’t as funny as she normally is…IMO. I would have loved to see Kathy Griffin up there…now that girl can dish it!

  2. Yeah, a joke’s a joke. President Obama didn’t shy away from making jokes at his own expense, and I thought he was funny.

  3. Well…now that I read some conservative blogs I guess there are some people on the right who are upset over what Wanda said and are blaming President Obama as if he knew what she was going to say. I really wish the camera had been on Steele when Wanda was making her “jokes” about Rush. I think Steele’s reaction would have been more interesting than Obama’s.

  4. Anon, some people will blame President Obama for anything. Heck, I hear that some conservatives are making fun of President Obama for wanting dijon mustard on a hamburger, as if that’s something he should be made fun of for.

  5. I saw one conservative blogger having up several posts complaining about it. Of course, this is a person that complains whenever someone says nice about Obama or negative about Bush. She even complained when Obama gave a speech which interrupted her American Idol. Sheesh.

  6. Zach…the Dijon mustard thing WAS funny!! Jon Steward even poked fun at the way Obama ordered a burger and he’s liberal. Isn’t he?

  7. The funny thing about the teleprompter gag is that I’ve read several blog posts by other republican conservatives who are doing their best to turn Obama into another clearly demonstrated speech bungler – Bush. Except they defended Bush in the past, and of course, Obama doesn’t get a pass now.

    (Note: For some reason I accidently posted this on the Michael Steele post… perhaps I need a teleprompter…)

  8. Zach…of course it works both way. That’s only fair. I have to admit I laughed out loud when I heard President Obama order his cheddar cheese burger because he reminded me of myself. I order food like a total neurotic person. I don’t know if you ever watched the movie “When Harry Met Sally”…but I order food the way Meg Ryan’s character did in that movie. Crazy! My husband just loves to go out to eat with me…:))

  9. Anon, I’m not neurotic about food, but I am particular. As for President Obama’s request for dijon mustard, I think he deserves some credit for knowing that there’s more than just yellow mustard out there in the world.

    Speaking of burgers, have you ever been to Sobelman’s?

  10. My husband has a couple days of vacation left of his two weeks off so maybe if I can get my daughter to come over and babysit my four-legged babies we will go and give them a try. I love a good burger! (As much as that kills me) 🙂

  11. Making fun of someone’s hamburger toppings isn’t quite the same as wishing death on someone.

    Not quite sure how Wanda’s comments were even funny. And the libs are always saying how the right is spewing hate. The critism comes in because Obama was sitting there laughing at the comments.

    You can’t tell me there wouldn’t be outrage if Bush was laughing at someone who said Michael Moore should collapse and die. Give me a break.

  12. Wanda Sykes wasn’t funny…but I also don’t think President Obama was laughing at her “jokes” because he thought they were funny. I think he was just trying to be polite. I really wish they would have had a camera on Steele because I would bet he laughed too. I imagine it was an awkward situation.

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