Who speaks for you?

This week I have read Michelle Malkin, Pat Buchanan, Arianna Huffington, Wes Pruden, and at least 30 bloggers. I have listened to pundits and the President and the news channels. My question is simple: who speaks for you?

In an age when we have so many ways to communicate, do you spend your time telling the Authorities, the people that represent you in government, what is on your mind?

I am just curious. Let me know when you last wrote a letter to your elected representative. How often do you write to them?

It is no secret that if you read this blog then you are a concerned citizen. If I am not prying, what was the last topic you addressed?

I’ll start. This calendar year I sent two emails to Sen. Feingold, one to Sen. Kohl, and one to Rep. Dave Obey. I sent an email to Mary Hubler also and received a nice reply. I wanted to give them my two cents on healthcare, privacy rights in Wisconsin, and a few constitutional amendments that I thought were needed.

I know you are wondering what brought this question on. Even if you aren’t, I ‘ll tell you that I was reading the weekly edition of the Washington Times and asked myself who are these columnists talking to? It certainly wasn’t me. I went over to the Huffington Post and found that they were not talking to me either. Which left me with the thought they are speaking for somebody obviously or else they would not have a large audience. If they are not speaking for me or to me as an interested reader, then exactly who are they speaking to or speaking for?

So let me know if you tell your elected officials what is on you rmind and how often you do this.
And let me know if any of the national columnists speak to you or for you on issues.


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7 thoughts on “Who speaks for you?

  1. It’s been a few months. But I’ve “recently” written emails to Congressmen (about controlling spending) and to the chairman of the RNC (about social conservatives).

  2. Best questions I seen in awhile.
    No e-mails letters or any written correspondence. I’ve chatted with a few (My wife has all the connections)
    Who speaks for me? I can’t say I agree 100% with anyone (as far as the press goes) I sometimes enjoy Belling, McKenna, and NPR.
    If/When my blog starts to “address” my reps more directly I’ll make my name public.
    I don’t think my e-mails will do much good as far as “changing” much in how they govern, I donate to no one.

  3. Thanks, Rich, glad to hear you that are speaking into their ears.

    Rabbit, I encourage you to write to your elected officials and tell them what you want and why. While you may not be the one that changes their minds, it is good for them to know that you have an opinion. The politician’s hear too much from lobbyists and interest groups and not enough from us. Keep talking to them for their own good.

  4. Good question. I think the politician who speaks for me (technically and philosophically) is Russ Feingold. There are a couple instances in which I disagree with him (gun control maybe) but he is one of the only officeholders I know of who I invest a lot of trust in. I would be very, very sad if he turned out to be a phony.

    Commentators…all the cable news and radio types are morons. I like the NYTimes ed board most of the time, but I think their analysis of the judiciary can be shallow. But I admire them for calling out Democrats and Republicans alike, unlike the Wall St Journal ed board, which is a media operative for the Republican Party.

    NPR and the NYTimes are the only responsible national media outlets. The news is relevant and consistent and the commentary is interesting.

    The Washington Times is a joke that was never meant to be taken seriously. But yes, most big liberal bloggers are terrible. The bigger they get, the more interested they become in becoming part of the establishment, in having celebrity guest bloggers, in shilling for the Democratic Party.

  5. With my vote, we appear to have consensus on Sen. Feingold. I went to one of his county listening sessions last year and liked what I heard.
    I also like Sen. Jim Webb and consider him credible on all national defense issues because of his background. But my guy is out of office now. Ex-Sen. Chuck Hagel may be a Republican but he strikes me as one of the few adults along with Feingold and Webb that I can believe in. I was hoping Hagel would gain a position in Obama’s cabinet but he did not.

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