CA Right Wing Family Values Hypocrite Nailed

In yet another example of right wing family values gone amuck – married CA GOP State Representative Michael Duvall is caught on an open mic bragging about his kinky sexual exploits with two female lobbbyists that represent industries he deals with.  He has a 100% rating from family values endorsing Capitol Resource Center according to TPMMuckracker, the source for this posting.  The Capital Resource Center describes themselves as “your watchdog for family values.”   It looks like they failed in their watchdog role.


Unlike adulterous, hypocritical, right wing Senator’s Vitter (LA), Ensign (NV) or Governor’s Sanford (SC) and Gibbons (NV), State Representative Duvall has fallen on his sword, by resigning according to the OCRegister.  I suspect it isn’t the adultery or hypocrisy, but rather the literally being in bed with a lobbyist that did this guy in.


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