I’m sad…

…because I just found out Dan Sebring blocked me from receiving any more of his tweets on Twitter.

Apparently I’m one potential constituent he doesn’t want to stay informed about his campaign, but the fact that he blocked me speaks volumes about what kind of Congressman he’d be.


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9 thoughts on “I’m sad…

  1. How do you know he blocked you? (I don’t know anything about tweeting) Anyway…that really is a pretty good indicator of what kind of guy he is. He wants to be elected to represent everyone in the district…not just the ones he likes or agrees with…so blocking potential constituents isn’t a good move. It’s what I don’t like about his party…they are so intolerant towards others who may think differently then they do…and then if you dare to voice those different opinions they block you (or delete you off their friends list on FB…LOL). Free speech is only good when what is being said is in lock step with them.

    I know you are just kidding when you say you are “sad”…but in a way it is sad…because I have found that I typically learn more from people I don’t agree with all the time…and to know he thinks he doesn’t need to hear different voices/opinions and possibly learn something new is sad.

    1. Anon, I know Sebring’s campaign folks aren’t big fans of mine, but it’s disappointing that they’ve chosen to block me from following their tweets, especially considering the fact that Sebring’s own website says, “As your elected representative, I will listen and respond to each citizen of this district individually and personally.”

      Apparently, that statement doesn’t apply to anyone who doesn’t happen to agree with Sebring’s ideology.

      1. Well…I don’t know how twitter/tweets works…but I’m sure if it’s on the internet it can be seen one way or another.

        1. Oh, I can still see the tweets, but I just have to do a little more work to view them. Ultimately, it’s the principle of it that really matters to me…

  2. Zach,
    I got a google alert for your blog today. That’s how I found out you’d been blocked. As I mentioned in an email to you my twitter account is tied to my facebook account and facebook shut my page down recently. Apparently asking your friends friends to be friends isn’t social networking according to facebook. When I finally got them to turn my page back on several people on twitter and my facebook page had somehow been either blocked or deleted. The way I found out about the others was via email to my campaign email address.

    The problem has been rectified. Please accept my apologies.

    Dan Sebring

  3. On the other hand, I have almost all of Team Walker following me.

    Unfortunately, they don’t seem to be picking up on the lessons well. They are still doing the wrong-headed things they’ve always done.

    1. Ha. I wonder if CivicForumPAC is still following me. After I called them out as spammers we might be unfriends.

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