7 thoughts on “Sunday Open Thread

  1. Is it just me or are others out there as concerned as I am over the disingenuous activities that are sweeping our county, our state and our nation? If the Tea Party folks, the Beckies (and the other Fox “News” entertainers), Sarah Palin worshippers, Rush Limbaugh Hate Club members think they have been appointed by god to save our nation, then why in hell do they have to resort to fabrications? I challenge these folks to take a pledge to tell no LIES for the next thirty days and then we’ll see what’s what. Actually this is a challenge to BOTH sides because both sides are guilty of untruths. But the Tea Partiers/Beckies/Palinites/Limbaughers take it to a whole new level. And their outlandish claims, when fact checked, are proven to be incorrect/inaccurate/false time and time again. When authentic facts are cited, they immediately set out to disclaim the fact checkers rather than run the risk of actually investigating the resources provided by the fact checkers. In many cases there is actual video footage to support the findings, but such evidence is callously tossed aside as they gear up to continue their hateful assault on those who disagree with them. I am 100% confident that there will be ZERO takers on this challenge since it would be impossible to further their cause if they were to abolish the deception. To do so would mean that their “patriotic” followers just might revert to sensible reasoning rather than mindless babble. I wonder will we ever be one nation – united – again? I fear that even a terrorist attack greater than 9/11 would only give them further fodder to voice their attacks on Obama and the left. Sad, sad, sad.

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