When all else fails, rip a page out of another candidate’s playbook

The crack team over at Westlake for Senate headquarters has a brilliant idea to allow individuals to ask questions of Dave Westlake and get an answer via a short video:

New campaign video series: “ASK DAVE”–let me know your questions via FaceBook & we’ll respond with a short video… http://bit.ly/bXnu14

Gee, I wonder why the new “Ask Dave” video series from Dave Westlake looks so familiar. Perhaps it’s because I’ve seen it before.

Seriously….who’s running things over at Westlake for Senate? Can’t they come up with any original ideas?


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4 thoughts on “When all else fails, rip a page out of another candidate’s playbook

  1. They blew all the creative thought too early with that brilliant “let’s dress him in blaze orange” idea.

  2. I get your point but “Ask {Candidate Name}” is hardly a ground-breaking or monumental new idea.

    1. No – this is definitely a new and original idea that’s never been done before. And Westlake is the only one ripping off the Barrett campaign’s brilliant idea of this. We certainly won’t hear anything about it when a Democrat does something similar.

      Also amusing that Westlake has actually done this whereas Barrett is going to. So who’s copying who? 🙂

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