Hey Ron Johnson, the flag should never touch the ground

Notice anything odd about this picture?

If you noticed that the American flag in the background it touching the ground, you’d be correct. I learned at a very early age that the flag is never supposed to touch the ground, but apparently that’s a lesson folks at a recent “Tea Party” rally in Janesville must not have learned.

It’s kinda odd to see an American flag so casually draped against a tree, as if it were tossed there as an afterthought, and it seems strange to me that none of the folks in attendance at the event – including Republican U.S. Senate candidate Ron Johnson – thought to put the American flag in a more suitable position.


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20 thoughts on “Hey Ron Johnson, the flag should never touch the ground

    1. I watched most of the complete video you posted and NO that flag is not being treated with respect. I see originally most of the flags were being held by flag bearers and yes it is windy. But if it’s too windy to safely display the flag it should have been properly folded and stored away. I have complained about proper respect and proper flag etiquette on this blog at least once before.

      I didn’t see any pics of the Gadsden flags being as rudely treated.

  1. I don’t support this kind of attack. It reminds me of those ridiculous attacks on Obama over his patriotism.

    1. As the father of a soldier and as a former boy scout I get a little touchy about ‘patriots’ who disrepect the American flag. If this had just been a casual party or neighborhood event where people might not be aware of their actions I would give it a pass. But it isn’t. And they’d be screaming if someone burned our flag in some type of protest.

      And as I said, I don’t see a Gadsden flag stuffed in a tree.

      1. I think the intentions are far more important than how a symbol is treated. I can understand a respect for ceremony or tradition, but to put patriotism in quotes because of how the flag is treated is frankly going too far in my opinion. Patriotism goes far beyond the symbolism the flag embodies. I’ll just agree to disagree.

        1. Considering that the Tea Party has as the foundation of their reason for even existing that they are such “purists” re: the Constitution and the condition of our Great Union Zack’s point is quite valid. I believe at the core of his point is (as others have noticed) the Tea Party wants to “cherry pick” from the Constitution and other patriotic items.
          Kinda like “Christians” who are sticklers regarding some commandments but rapturously ignore others – those that they personally find really challenging say for example Greed and Gluttony. You never hear “conservatives” harping about THOSE sins. Yet those same people will dig deep into the Bible and twist passages to mean that one should not be gay etc.
          Gayness is not among the 7 Deadlies – Greed, Gluttony are.
          Cherry picking.

          1. The strangest thing about most conservatives I know is how they claim the boogiemen of the Democratic party are trying to institute socialism and attack freedom while at the same time supporting legislation that attacks the equality and freedoms of others unlike themselves. I know not all conservatives are like that, but most that I personally know are.

        2. I don’t see patriotism in quotes here…if I missed it fill me in. Yes patriotism goes far behind what the flag embodies…but if I treated the flag the same way I would bet Mr. Johnson’s hosts would be screaming!

          1. I understand now. It’s more about calling out hypocrisy than questioning their patriotism.

            1. What about the hypocrisy of pointing out a Johnson flag is touching the ground, while backing his opponent Feingold who supports flag burning?

              It may be fine and all to support that position, but it’s like chastizing over a woman for taking prenatal vitamins, but supporting her for going down to the abortion clinic.

              1. forgot, look up Texas v. Johnson and U.S. v. Eichman. Flag burning is a protected form of free speech, but I suppose you’re only in favor of free speech so long as you agree with it.

                1. I’m well of court cases protecting that particular form of free speech. (I also never gave you my position on the matter.) But we aren’t talking about law, because it’s not illegal what you are pointing out with Johnson in this post. I was just pointing out the fact. It’s also ironic Feingold protects this form of free speech, but doesn’t seem to care as much when it comes to political speech (i.e. campaign finance). I guess he’s only in favor of free speech so long as he agrees with it.

                  And Ed, I think you know we aren’t talking about the ceremonial burning of worn out flags.

                  1. It’s not illegal, but U.S. Code clearly addresses proper flag etiquette.

                    TITLE 4, CHAPTER 1, § 8 of U.S. Code clearly states:

                    No disrespect should be shown to the flag of the United States of America; the flag should not be dipped to any person or thing. Regimental colors, State flags, and organization or institutional flags are to be dipped as a mark of honor.

                    (a) The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.

                    (b) The flag should never touch anything beneath it, such as the ground, the floor, water, or merchandise.


              2. btw: proper flag etiquette requires the burning of damaged and worn out flags.

  2. Forgot, Feingold doesnt “support” flag burning, he agrees with the Supreme Court that it is covered under the first amendment…..isnt one of the “tea”parties platform to support the Constitution? maybe they should take the time to read it.

    Zach we dont have enough time to point out every example of republican hypocrisy!

    1. Proud, we’re not talking about the Constitution here. The Supreme Court would also support a flag touching the ground. Maybe that should have been my initial reply to this post.

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