Don’t grow a wishbone where your backbone ought to be

Here’s some good advice for Democrats running for office in 2010: grow a little backbone:

Every one of our candidates and incumbents should be touting the extremism on their opponents to the right. Because y’know what? Most people are not wingnuts, or crackpots, or extremists. Most people really don’t believe in privatizing Social Security, especially after seeing their 401k’s empty into the pockets of corporate America. Most people would not want a child who has been the victim of incest to have to carry her father’s child to term. Most people are reasonable, moderate, and kind. They want their government to do good things, the things that government is best at doing, the big things we cannot do ourselves. And we cannot afford the right wing nutjobs getting into a place of power. Show people what the kooks really stand for, and watch those same idiots back-pedal away from their positions faster than a flea jumps off a hot griddle.

I’ve long maintained that Democrats shouldn’t be afraid of confrontation, nor should they be ashamed to be Democrats.


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