9 thoughts on “I remember – do you?

  1. Vile stuff. “The screams of the people”?! Desperate much?

    I remember which party expanded the role of the federal government through a failed stimulus bill, a bureaucratic health care bill, have caused mass uncertaintly to businesses resulting in a stalled economy, and have taken no action to prevent massive tax hikes on us all. Vote those bums out… not voting Democrat!

    1. Forgot, luckily for you, there is still time to do some research and change your mind and vote for someone who actually reflects what you believe in. Since you seem to have been misled by someone

      1. How very condescending of you. Because I don’t buy into Democrat talking points, clearly I must be misinformed? Oh please.

        The stimulus was a success only in that it was a one-year bailout for states and government workers. Wonder what they will do in 2011? The promise was that it would lower the unemployment rate and oh, I don’t know, actually STIMULATE the economy. It didn’t.

        There is uncertainty in the market because they are uncertain about what burdens the government will place on them next… health care, cap and trade, tax hikes? They don’t get a lot of reassuring words from the administration. So they are sitting on cash.

        As for this constant figure quoted here about a tax cut for 95% of Americans, that was a one time cut of $400 as part of the stimulus bill. It’s not permanent and amounts to $7 per week. Big deal. They failed to renew the Bush tax cuts, which will cost the average taxpayer thousands of dollars.

        And THAT is a fact.

  2. And I remember which party expanded the role of government beyond anything ever experienced in the previous 240 years of our nation with the establishment of the Department of Homeland Security. The biggest slowest moving bureaucratic behemoth in Washington…the Dept that Ron Johnson should actually be describing as the biggest invasion on our freedoms in his lifetime.

    1. How as Homeland Security invaded your freedom? Please cite personal examples. On the other hand, the health care bill is requiring EVERY American to purchase a private good.

    2. And if you have a problem with securing the nation, please tell me what you would do instead. Nothing?

  3. I remember the Patriot Act.
    I remember the Republican White House talking torture and rendition.How could anyone forget Abu Ghraib?
    And I remember the Republicans refusing to vote on the Bush tax cuts that would help 95% of all Americans and only affect 5% who could afford it.
    I remember it all.

    1. Still have yet to hear about anyone harmed by the Patriot Act. Oh yeah, and Guantamo is still open. I guess once BHO actually took office he figured out it’s not so easy.

      However, here’s an early consequence of that ‘wonderful’ health care bill that will affect millions of people:

      Some 45 million people are about to lose a key tax break in health care. Starting in January, they’ll have to get what amounts to a prescription from a doctor in order to get reimbursed for over-the-counter medications such as cold and flu remedies or allergy medicines.

      And when did Republicans refuse to vote on Bush’s tax cuts?

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