The report is out – “About 70 percent of active-duty personnel believe dismantling “don’t ask, don’t tell” would have a positive effect on the military – or no effect at all.” If this isn’t enough to get the Senate to dump this unpleasant, wasteful law what is? The military leadership says get it done.
Now let’s see what newly elected and allegedly gay Senator Kirk of IL does on this one. Does he have the “cojones” to buck his party leadership, John McCain and his alleged “sister” in the Senate Senator Graham of South Carolina? Do the ideological sisters from the East, Collins and Snowe have the gumption to do what is right and anger the grumpy old men running the parry of no? Does the ethically challenged and sexually damaged Senator from NV want to get re-elected enough to trawl for the GLBT votes and money in 2012? Does Murkowski have the chops to say “f.u.” to the old dudes who jumped on the Miller bandwagon and show her independence? Does Voinovich have the independence to do what is right? Time will tell if these elected officials want to represent the will of people and want to be on the right or wrong side of history with their votes for this important civil and equal rights issue.
This will be very telling. I’m sure the more bigoted people were hoping very much that the report would show negative impacts.
Now they have nothing but their own bigotry to excuse a support of this institutionalized discrimination.
No doubt Sen. John McCain will continue to find some reason to oppose a repeal of DADT, despite his public statements in the past that he’d respect the conclusions reached by the DoD’s report.
That would be saddening. I really respected him back in 2008 to the point that I thought he would make a good president. I’d still have voted for President Obama, but I was very happy someone like John McCain won the Republican primary.
McCain is the one being quoted today on all of the news stories. He has switched his position so many times on this issue(and all issues really) how is he even credible on it and why doesn’t the media who keep going to him for quotes actually ask him that question. The way he has sold his soul for power is pathetic to watch.