10 thoughts on “Hello again!

  1. Now it’s time to get down to business…you need ideas (because I have a few) or do you already have a line up of posts??

  2. Good to see you back. Since I saw you active at dKos, I figured you must still be alive 🙂

  3. Weclome back!

    There is much wise work to be done.

    Such as how to have fun while exposing corruption and attacks of Wisconsin families and communities.

  4. Hey now I am back too. And you are really happy you are back aren’t you, you must have been bored with out your blogging blue.

  5. Welcome back, we missed you. What exactly happened, and what did you have to do to get back on line?

    1. A huge spike in traffic caused the site to crash the server it was on, resulting in the site being suspended and migrated to shared hosting across several servers. Hopefully that will alleviate similar problems in the future.

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