Hold on to your Wallets…

The “Fiscal Conservative” republicans are at it again. We have seen recently that the incompetence of the Walker Administration is going to cost us millions (HERE) and (HERE).

Now we have two more bills that the Republicans are passing on to the taxpayers.

The first is huge legal bills that the Fitzwalkerstan ran up, just because they were stopped from ramming their “budget repair” bill through in a matter of days. Which we know has NOTHING to do with repairing the budget.

Frustrated by the Democrats’ departures, Republicans hired attorney James Troupis to research legal means of bringing Democrats to the Senate floor. The state constitution says lawmakers can be compelled to attend legislative sessions, but does not spell out how that can be done.

Troupis was paid $375 an hour, and other attorneys with his firm were paid either $290 or $295 an hour. The total bill came to $26,955.

“They should have to pay for it out of their own pockets,” said Sen. Bob Jauch (D-Poplar). “It’s a pretty outrageous use of taxpayer dollars.

“The public has a right to wonder why they were talking to lawyers instead of members of their own party who wanted compromise.”

Secondly, h/t Cognitive Dissidence The Walker administration came up with a $3.15 million dollars ad campaign, to tell you to come and take a picture in Wisconsin.

This is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of what these “fiscal conservatives” are going to end up costing the taxpayers. Hold onto your wallet its going to be an expensive ride!


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5 thoughts on “Hold on to your Wallets…

    1. Yeah it sure does Jeff. Like Democrats saying there really is no $3 billion budget deficit (that Walker is lying and made it all up), but then say we are broke and therefore against the small cost to implement voter protections. So that cuts both ways.

      And I think tourism campaigns pay off by encouraging people to come to our state and spend money on vacations. Or have you always been against the Dept. of Tourism and all of its related spending?

  1. We’ll have to make sure to get some nice photos of the new open pit iron mine up on the Penokee Range. Why should Ishpeming Michigan and Butte Montana get all the mining tourism?



    With any luck you’ll be able to bring your kids to northern Wisconsin to watch canadian geese die in the tailings pond! The whole family will love it!

    1. I hear you complain that Walker is only creating McDonalds and Walmart jobs. Now you complain about the good-paying jobs this will create for northern Wisconsin, which has been in a depression for many years. I guess you only like it when government jobs are created?

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