
Instead of focusing on job creation, Wisconsin’s Assembly Republicans are focusing their energy and attention on defining what a bicycle is.

That’s right folks…Wisconsin’s Assembly Republicans have solved an urgent crisis that has plagued Wisconsin for far too long: how the state should define a bicycle.

No doubt this measure will create thousands upon thousands of jobs here in Wisconsin, and in honor of Wisconsin’s Assembly Republicans, here’s some music.


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5 thoughts on “Bicycles….BICYCLES!

  1. @Steven Irrelevant. This article’s point is clearly to blast “Wisconsin’s Assembly Republicans,” but neglects to realize this was a bi-partisan effort.

    Further, it attacks that bill itself “solved an urgent crisis that has plagued Wisconsin for far too long: how the state should define a bicycle. ” In fact this bill has been worked on for sometime by the Bicycle Federation of Wisconsin in an attempt to make biking safer, i.e. reduce deaths and accidents.

  2. The Republicans called this a jobs session. Where are the jobs in this? Not irrelevant at all.

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