Coming October 15: #OCCUPYMILWAUKEE

On October 15, Milwaukee will have its own “Occupy Wall Street” protest:

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Could we see our own Hoan Bridge shut down in much the same way as the protesters shut down the Brooklyn Bridge in New York? That would be a sight to see!


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5 thoughts on “Coming October 15: #OCCUPYMILWAUKEE

  1. Yeah, shut down traffic on the Hoan, great idea, that will really stick it to those corporate fat cats. ?????????
    I envision everyday working class people being stuck in traffic jams burning extra gas, driving up gas sales with the profits going to the evil oil companies. Good plan.

    1. You’re looking at this one-sided. Sure the practical effect of people literally blocking the road is nothing. However, when you look deeper, there is always something behind the wall of immediate perception. There are active minds and ideas that are being expressed through such protests. There are reasons for these protests. Would you rather have protesters turning violent and smashing windows and breaking into the homes of the wealthy? Absolutely not. That would be dishonoring the constitutional rights of others. Maybe blocking the road is just the preferred way to really make themselves seen and heard without physically harming anyone or taking away their God-given rights.

  2. I personally think there would be a more effective street or road to end the protest than the Hone bridge, but if we can get enough people and the press down there, than maybe we can make a dent. What’s important is to actually take it off the sidewalks and into the streets where the cops don’t want us. Pay attention to what Naomi Wolf is saying here…it’s not political.

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