The Faces of Despair

There are hundreds of them.  Thousands.  Millions.  Their stories are as diverse as our nation.  “I lost my job and my health insurance and now I have $80,000 in medical debt;” “My house was foreclosed and now I live out of my car working two jobs with two kids living with my parents;” “I have outsourced myself to India via the internet because it’s all I can find.” The 99% are real. The 99% are out there. The 99% are us, every one of us.

We have failed them.

We have failed the nation.

We are responsible.

We are our brothers and our sister’s keepers.

We are better than this.

The Occupy movement isn’t some fanciful tricorne hat Tea Party with big Gasden flags and tea bags dangling from the trees.  The Occupy movement is a movement of despair.  A movement of anguish.  A movement of anger.  A movement of change.

Meet a few of the Faces of Despair.

There are hundreds more photos and hundreds more stories.  Welcome to Our America.


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