The Hassle Doctrine.

It’s apparently not enough for gun enthusiasts to be able to carry a concealed weapon in Wisconsin, or to be able to shoot someone in their homes with near impunity. Now they want impunity on the streets.

Nik Clark, chairman of the gun-rights group Wisconsin Carry, Inc. is on record stating that his group would like to see the so-called ” Castle Doctrine ” extended outside of ones home. That’s right, you read me correctly.

So if Clark perceives you to be a threat he can dispatch you with deadly force?  If Miles Kristan dumps a beer on Nik Clark, Kristan could be pushing up daisies? If I had been one of the solidarity singers could I have shot Dave Zien for running over my stuff with his wheelchair?

The Hassle Doctrine? Really? What’s next? The ” Don’t Piss Me Off Doctrine?”





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1 thought on “The Hassle Doctrine.

  1. Welcome to the world of concealed carry. In Florida where I now reside (formerly in WI), we have the same rule. It has been used in road rage cases, have not heard of any others yet.

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