More Jobs Fleeing Wisconsin

Scott Walker has been an unmitigated failure in what he claims is the top priority of his administration, jobs.  No word yet on whether the state lost still more jobs in November after leading the nation in Job loss in October, but it’s not looking good to the future.  450 more jobs lost in the state

Is this Scott Walker’s fault?  On the face of it, you’d have to say it isn’t.  Scott Walker did not make the business environment in which Wausau Paper’s Brokaw mill simply doesn’t make economic sense anymore.  But Walker can point to zero successes now in an environment nationwide where the job market is showing signs of reviving.  And Walker’s job performance will not be looking up anytime soon, as he changes his supposed jobs focus towards trying to save his own.  Make it harder for Scott Walker to keep his job.  Sign a recall petition today.


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