New Walker tool: The WisDems’ Interactive Map of Corruption

Forget the Kardashians, the hottest new reality show around is “Keeping Up with the Corruption” starring Governor Scott Walker. This drama is not just for political nerds anymore; proverbial ratings have soared as citizens across the state of Wisconsin have tuned in to see what’s going to happen next. The WisDems just unveiled the perfect new tool, a TV Guide, of sorts, to help us keep up with the saga. Here it is:

Map of Corruption


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11 thoughts on “New Walker tool: The WisDems’ Interactive Map of Corruption

  1. Ummm, sentence construction matters. The header could be read — as I did, at first, and in shock considering the blog — that the corruption was by state Dems.

    Try, say, “The WisDems’ Interactive Map of Corruption.”

    1. Try clearing your cache, closing out your browser, and restarting.

      That’s what I did, and it seems to have fixed the problem.

        1. There’s no need for further comment now. I thanked the reader who pointed out the error, fixed it, publicly flogged myself on facebook & twitter for my mistake, and made some jokes at my own expense. My work here is done.


        1. No worries Lisa; I was just trying to provide some “technical support” in regards to the “timed out comments” issue you were having.

          Nothing more than that…

  2. If you use the linked office map as a cue (or at least a similar version I’ve seen), before we see Walker go down, we’ll see a little Nardelli action first.

  3. And it would be interesting to know what was going on behind the scenes of the investigation immediately preceding Nardelli’s departure from state government.

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