Concealed Carry Law Creates Jobs!

Obviously the Wisconsin Concealed Carry Law has created a number of local jobs running the training courses that applicants are required to complete before sending their forms and checks off to Madison. But now the New York Times also reports job growth in the fashion industry for clothing that is not only chic, but helps actually conceal your weapon!

The clothing lines address a perceived need in the concealed-carry subculture. Gun owners say they want to practice “maximum uncertainty,” meaning that if a gun is sufficiently concealed, a potential criminal will be unsure whether to attack. Gun experts say the research is inconclusive about whether such tactics reduce crime. Regardless, the clothing makers are jumping on the line of thinking.

But this new fashion trend is not everyone is a fan:

Not everyone who carries a concealed gun is a fan of the new fashion. Howard Walter, 61, a salesman at Wade’s Eastside Guns in Bellevue, Wash., said he preferred to carry his Colt — and a couple of knives and two extra magazines — in a durable pair of work pants.

“They don’t shout ‘gun,’ they shout ‘average guy in the street,’ ” said Mr. Walter, who years ago worked in sales at Nordstrom. But really, he said, the most important thing in picking clothing is to choose something that works for the weapon. “They should dress for the gun,” he said he advised his customers. “Not for the fashion.”

I just wonder if these new threads are all-American or Chinese?? Whadja think?


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