Scott Walker’s screwed up priorities

Really, this is just completely screwed up:

The state Department of Justice, which couldn’t find enough money to fully fund services for sexual assault victims last year, was the biggest spender, giving out nearly $300,000 to 94 workers.

Among the employees who received a pay raise was Assistant Attorney General Maria Lazar, who defended Walker’s collective bargaining law in an open meetings challenge and has handled the state’s defense of Republican redistricting legislation. Lazar received a $1,000 bonus and a $1.50-an-hour raise in March, increasing her salary by more than $3,000 to $104,730.

So in Scott Walker’s version of Wisconsin, sexual assault victims can go without victim services because it’s more important to give pay raises and bonuses to the lawyers who defended Walker’s attack on collective bargaining in court.

Forward, Wisconsin? More like Backward, Wisconsin.


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7 thoughts on “Scott Walker’s screwed up priorities

  1. “The Justice Department handed out raises even after it warned budget cuts had forced it to reduce grants from its Sexual Assault Victim Services program by 42.5 percent.”

    And today Van Hollen is bragging about getting 100,000 conceal carry permits out the door – by shanghai-ing staff and resources from the DOJ and other agencies.

    [Insert string of obscenities here]

  2. And…they want to collect DNA from people who aren’t convicted of crimes without warrants. I haven’t heard lately how they are doing on the back log of rape kits. Anyone know? Seems to me they have quite a few priorities screwed up.

  3. Among the employees who received a pay raise was Assistant Attorney General Maria Lazar, who defended Walker’s collective bargaining law in an open meetings challenge and has handled the state’s defense of Republican redistricting legislation

    He, if that was what she was tasked to do, do you question that she was probably the hardest working employee around? 🙂

  4. And Ms. Lazar really didn’t do a very good job. The 4 Republican Supreme Ct justices did all her work for her.

    1. The governor is in charge of implementing (or rescinding, in the case of Gov. Doyle) the bonus pay policy used to give the bonuses.

      Glad I could clarify that for you.

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