
Is there a difference between a scab and a union voter who voted for Walker?

That’s the number of card carrying union voters who marked their ballots for Scott Walker last Tuesday.

Jay Gould would be so proud…  Solidarity is what happens to other people, I guess.


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2 thoughts on “29%

  1. First: The exit polls were forced to match nonverifiable vote totals from black box voting.

    This was an abuse of statistics – wholly unjustifiable becuase it assumes the machines cannot be wrong (or worse) when they can and often are.

    But I would believe this number is possible – the labor movement has divided us and in this advance stage of monopolistic capitalism dominated by multi-national intersts, we have fully played into koch/ALECs hands.

    I don’t support the current state of the labor movement because it left most of us behind, public workers never did a thing while private sector unions and jobs were being decimated.

    And now they want to scream solidarity…

    And if the exit polls can be trusted (and they can’t they were “adjusted” and are now literally fiction) sounds like a lot of union members were laughing to the bank while conning the rest of us to support Barrett.

    And don’t get me started on the law enforcement shameless pigs that endorced gov john doe walker and his legal defence fund.

    Shame on state troopers and milwaukee police.

  2. Divide and conquer, Baby!

    Can’t wait to see the look on these (cop) union member’s faces when they discover Walker’s Act 10 union busting provisions have been declared unconstitutional for treating one union different than another. Walker will have one of two choices, eliminate his attacks on the unions (not) or include his brown nosing unions in the party.

    The irony of the Police unions helping to pass this law and then to be screwed by it’s provisions is just too funny; Sad, but funny.

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