6 thoughts on “To Nick on his ninth birthday

  1. It doesn’t seem possible that a son can be such a blessing until you have your own.

  2. Happy Happy; Birthday Birthday; Happy Happy Nick!
    Birthday Happy; Happy Birthday; Birthday Happy Nick!
    Nick Nick; Birthday Happy; Happy Birthday Nick!
    Happy Happy, Birthday Birthday, Nick Nick Nick!

    Zach, please relay my message 3 times fast.

    Please be sure to hop from one foot to the other while you are delivering my message 3 times fast.

    Please be sure your arms are raised high above your head while you hop from one foot to the other while you are delivering my message 3 times fast.

    Many wishes to your family for a fun and joyous and frolicking day of 9!

    1. I tried my best to relay your message at the requisite speed, but alas, I ran out of breath midway through.

      My son thought it was great fun though!

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