Rebecca Kleefisch: “There is a way to have a more forcible rape”

Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch once likened same sex marriage to marrying a table or a clock, claimed it’s “a slippery slope,” and cited her “Christian beliefs” as her rationale. That’s just one example of the ridiculously outlandish statements our Lt. Governor has made. So I was pleasantly surprised to see a video on Gawker of Kleefisch speaking out against Rep. Todd Akin’s categorization of rape when she was in Madison last week. Unfortunately, she reversed her viewpoints entirely- seconds later- when she was told Paul Ryan shared Akin’s beliefs.

In the first 10 seconds of the video (below)  Lt. Governor Kleefisch passionately tells the reporter, “Rape is a rape. I don’t know how you can categorize it, and it’s disgusting that Todd Akin would have tried to categorize it.”

But mere seconds later, after the reporter tells her that Paul Ryan co-sponsored a bill with Todd Akin to do just that, Kleefisch does a complete 180 and says, “”Well, I think there is a way to have a more forcible rape, the same way there are different types of assault.”

Rebecca, for real?

You got it right the first time.

Rape is rape.


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3 thoughts on “Rebecca Kleefisch: “There is a way to have a more forcible rape”

  1. It must be hard for any woman to keep up with the “fact deniers” of the Republican party. Especially for a ditz like Kleefisch.

  2. Kleefisch the Kontemptible Kreature that she is never misses a beat in her switch does she? Cognitive dissonance or smooth operator? I say the latter – it’s the smooth operators like Kleefisch and Ryan that create cognitive dissonance among the rank and file. Though, holding two completely disparate views simultaneously pervades Conservative thought with as much salience as contorting reality to justify belief. Gotta give her credit all the same. She’s a neophyte in the sense that she hasn’t any experience to justify the position she holds, but she’s been well groomed by the GOP machine.

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