It’s a post-VP debate open thread!

So the vice presidential debate between Vice President Joe Biden and Republican Congressman Paul Ryan is over, and I’d like to hear your thoughts on the debate.

Personally, I thought Joe Biden cleaned Paul Ryan’s clock on a few occasions, specifically the question about Afghanistan and abortion, and I liked the overall tone and tempo of this debate much more than the first presidential debate. VP Biden was assertive and unafraid to call Paul Ryan out on his lies, and I only wish we had seen this kind of assertiveness from President Obama.

What do you think?


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12 thoughts on “It’s a post-VP debate open thread!

    1. I disagree….he’s far more effective as a campaign “attack dog” than I see him being at the top of the ticket. However, I would like to see more passion from our president, because he could certainly use some of Joe Biden’s empathy and humanity.

  1. Your arguments are exactly why I prefer Biden at the top of the ticket. He is both passionate and compassionate. He is also direct and honest. I have seen him speak in person and been on teleconferences with him and what he said in the debate tonight is absolutely true – he doesn’t always say what he intended to say but he always means what he says. I think a President with more fight would have accomplished a lot more than Obama has been able to achieve. Obama’s style is not really conducive for dealing with the lunatic fringe of the Republican Party

  2. Well, I missed the debate…I was at French class so that I can move to a socialist country if either Obama or Romney win in November. LOL!

  3. Biden by far in an arean that was to be respectful was rude and obnoxious and really turned people off. Most of the post debate polls are indicating that this had a significant negative influence. His goofy grin and attempts to interrupt and dominate the debate with no substance to his comebacks. He was an embarrasmant to his ticket.

  4. I would love to see these polls. CNN had Ryan winning in their poll that clearly shows why no one pays much attention to CNN anymore but every other source seems clear Biden smacked Ryan around

  5. What do I think?
    I think that if Paul Ryan were scoffing, grinning, talking to himself, interrupting and waving his hands around while Vice President Biden were speaking, I’d call him a disrespectful clown.

    1. I’m sure Biden played well with the party base. I don’t think it played well with independents because he was over the top and it distracted from the conversation. On substance, I thought they both scored some points. But now all everyone is talking about is Biden’s smirking, interrupting (82 times), and laughing.

  6. I found it very interesting the four shades of red mr ryans face was as biden shot just about each and every bullsnot lie of ryan’s right of the water.. A clue for you pauly. Wear more makeup when your going to lie your AZZ off !

  7. I am a conservative, but I would say that Biden won the debate in a pretty close call. Each made some going points – Biden on the middle east, Ryan on taxes and spending.

    On likeability, it would be difficult to say that it was anything but a win for Ryan. I know many are talking about it, but the smiling/laughing – while good for his base – will probably NOT help him among undecideds/independents.

    Only in America!

  8. Ryan showed what a fact-free small-timer he really is. This is what Wisconsinites get for allowing the Journal-Sentinel and other media to cover up for Ryan’s BS by saying what a cute face he had.

    Biden gave Ryan the respect he deserved- NONE. Lying and being wrong on a national stage should never tolerate, and the GOP whining about “tone” is especially rich, given how they have treated this president over the lat 3 1/2 years. Spare me.

    Start telling the truth, grow a pair, or get off the stage, Republicans. It’s time more Dems and our media take their cue from Joe Biden and hammer these thugs for the lies and destructive policies they are trying to sell. Hopefully we see more of it from Obama on Tuesday, because Mitt will fold if he’s called out for his flip-flops and absurd economic policies.

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