Whither MKE Cnty: Just Keeping Up to Date:

I’ll probably have some more on these things a bit later but just to keep you up to date:

Freshman County Supervisor Deanne Alexander would like to introduce a bill to have the state audit the workings of the Milwaukee County Board and County Executives office to look for inefficiencies and redundancies…this would be the same state that lost track of like $90 million in business loans? Yeah, that’ll work!

County Supervisors Steve Taylor and Mark Borkowski propose keeping a full time board but reducing the head count by 5 from the current 18 to 13 and reducing costs related to operation of the county board by 40%. County Executive Chris Abele responds: Na Na Na Na Na!

By the way, as far as I can tell, no one from the county has actually talked to a constituent besides Supervisor Alexander.

As I said on Facebook recently, Let the Wild Rumpus Begin!


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